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Are Your Maintenance Habits Harming Your Windows?

Josh Knese • Sep 10, 2020


Your roof protects your home against the elements and harsh conditions. However, it also needs proper care so it can stay efficient and last a long time. Keep in mind that certain parts of your roof are more vulnerable to damage, which you have to pay more attention to.

Are Your Maintenance Habits Harming Your Windows?

Learn bad habits that could harm your windows from a trusted window installation and residential roofing service provider.

Neglecting Window Tracks

If your casement window has become difficult to crank or you’re having trouble operating your sliding window, it could be that the tracks are filthy. Make sure that the tracks are free from dirt and debris to prevent pitting, corrosion, and operation issues. Depending on the manufacturer’s recommendation, you can apply dry silicone to help improve window operation.

Installing a Storm Window Over a Unit With Low-E Coating

Windows with low-emissivity (Low-E) coatings are more energy-efficient than units without them. This special coating is made to bounce back heat from the sun to the outside, helping keep your home comfortable during the warmer months. However, installing a storm window on top of it can trap solar energy, which can make the window’s glass extremely hot. When the window gets hot enough, property damage can occur. As one of the area’s most experienced window and roofing contractors, Exterior Building Solutions can help determine the best upgrades to your home’s windows. Our skilled team is here to help with your home exterior needs.

Leaving Curtains, Blinds or Drapes Down

Leaving window covers during the colder months can trap the moisture close to the windows and restrict airflow. If this continues, mold will eventually develop on your windows as well as rot. This problem can only be fixed by replacing the affected unit. You can prevent it by raising the window cover so that the lowest part is a couple of inches above the bottom of the window sill.

Turn to Exterior Building Solutions for your window replacement project. We also offer siding and commercial roof installation services. Give us a call at (314) 470-8783 or fill out our contact form to get a free assessment. We work with clients in St. Louis, Missouri, and the surrounding communities.

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